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Mark VI crash repair

Repair of a Mark VI after a crash

The Damages

Tone hole repair on a Selmer Mark 6 Tenor Saxophone.

This sax have a big dent. But the owner love it, so it must be repaired !

You can see the damage on the top of the body (folded).

The Eb Tone hole is seriously twisted.

First step : disassembling

The saxophone, before disassembling.

We separe the bell and the body

Disassemblinb Eb Key. As you can see the damages are Spectacular !

The damages. We can see where the body is folded.

We must unsold the octave key because she's 'inside' the saxophone body.

Second Step : body rectification

Saxophone body is placed on a adapted chuck.

This is the part to be rectified.

We must work slowly without 'hurting' brass.

With differents Hammers and other tools, the body and the tone hole are slowly rectified.

View of body rectification.

And later, tone hole and body are enterly rectified.

Last step : assembling

Eb key newly assembled.

Now we just need to re-assemble the body and bell, changing some very old pads.

Final view.

The saxophone

The saxophone, repaired, ready to be tested before delivering.

Saxophone Saxophone Selmer Mark 6, serial 103178, made in 1962. Owned by Richard Thomas, Oslo, Norway.

Top Music SA

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